6 Drills To Improve Your Pickleball Game

Whether you are a seasoned pickleball player or just starting out, consistently undertaking training drills can help you improve your game.


Drill #1: Dinking Drill

Dinking is an essential skill in pickleball, and this drill is fantastic to help improve your dinking.


  1. Stand at the net and have your partner stand across from you.
  2. Hit the ball back and forth, focusing on keeping the ball low and in play. Softer shots are better for dinking.
  3. As you get more comfortable, aim for different areas of the NVZ, such as angled shots that hug the sidelines.

This drill will help you improve your dinking technique and ability to control the ball and keep your opposition at a disadvantage.


Drill #2: Lobbing Drill

The lob shot is another important skill in pickleball, and this drill will help you master it.


  1. Stand at the baseline and use some court markers as targets at the baseline on the other side of the net.
  2. Hit the ball with an underhand motion contacting the ball below the waist, and aim for the markers at the back of the opposite court.  
  3. Focus on hitting accurate and controlled shots.

This drill will help you improve your lobbing technique and ability to anticipate and react to lob shots.


Drill #3: Serve and Return Drill

If you wish to play pickleball at an intermediate or advanced level, it is vital to master the serve and return of serve. The serve and return are the two of the most critical shots in pickleball, and this drill will help you improve both.


  1. Stand at the baseline on one side of the court and practice serving to your partner across the net.
  2. After your partner hits a return, focus on hitting a solid return back to them.

This drill will help you improve your serving and returning accuracy and ability to anticipate and react to different types of serves.


Drill #4: Third Shot Drop Drill

The third shot drop is crucial in pickleball, and this drill will help you master it.


  1. Stand at the baseline and have your partner stand at the net.
  2. Hit the ball over the net and aim for the non-volley zone (or kitchen).
  3. Your partner should then hit a soft, controlled shot back to you, which you will then drop shot back to them.

The idea with the third shot drop is to hit in such a manner that the shot is unattackable. Keep the rally going for as long as possible, focusing on hitting accurate and controlled shots.


Drill #5: Moving Target Drill

The moving target drill is perfect for improving your accuracy and footwork.


  1. Set up targets on the court, such as a cone or markers.  
  2. Stand at the baseline and hit the ball to the target.
  3. After hitting the ball, move to a different spot on the court, and hit the ball to the target again.

Repeat these drills until they become muscle memory. Another technique is to toss the ball in the air in front of you to work on the timing and stroke that produces the best return result.


Drill #6: Volley Drill

The volley drill is a great way for pickleball players to improve their reflexes and hand-eye coordination when hitting volleys back and forth over opposite sides of the net in pickleball. It's also a good drill to practice with a partner if you want to work on your communication and teamwork on the court.


To do this drill:


  1. Start by standing at the net facing your partner.
  2. Your partner will then toss the ball to you, and you will hit a volley back to them.
  3. Your partner will then hit a volley back at you, and you will continue to hit volleys back and forth to each other. A good volley resembles ping pong, only with pickleball paddles.
  4. As you get more comfortable with this drill and your pickleball skills improve, you can increase the speed and pace of the volleys to make it more challenging and transition from a warm-up pace to returning groundstrokes, lobs, and dinks. You can vary the direction and height of your volleys to practice hitting different types of shots.

It's important to focus on your form and technique when hitting volleys during this drill. Keep your wrist firm and your paddle face perpendicular to the ground. Keep your eye on the ball and try to make contact with it in front of your body to generate more power and accuracy.


Remember to communicate with your partner throughout the drill. Let them know if you want the ball higher or lower, and be sure to encourage each other as you work on your volleys.


Remember that practice is the key to improving your game. Drills that focus on the forehand and backhand, transitions, and cross-court play are perfect for beginners and intermediate players who are just getting into the game of pickleball and looking to improve their skill level.